Saturday, November 1, 2008


Okay, I'm not so good at the updating. So, I'm joining NaBloPoMo in hopes that it'll be the kickstart I need to keep posting. I'm at work right now, so I don't have photos to upload, but I've been working a lot on my checkered blanket for my sister and brother-in-law.

My sister is five years older than me and really took care of my growing up while my mom had to work. She made me and my little sister dinner and had to make sure we did homework and chores. Every Christmas eve we would get to open one present under the tree. I would select Sarah's gift. I always lamented that I didn't have money to get her a gift when she could give me one.

Last year she and her husband moved into a house that they built. She couldn't afford to give out presents for the family, but for the first time, I could. So I wanted to crochet her and her husband a warm blanket to snuggly up under while they watch TV with the kids. Well, it's almost a year later and I'm still working on the blanket! It's 3/4 of the way done and I just keep working on it. It has to be ready for Christmas this year!

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