Sunday, November 30, 2008


OMG, guys! It's the last day! I'm relieved. It was great until about half way through when I started to get really busy with concerts. I'll probably take the next week off from blogging so that I can finish with concerts. Hopefully when I return I'll have some yarning stuff to show off. Maybe even a new car!

Bill Engvall is very nice. His comedy wasn't all "red neck" jokes like Country Fried Videos. There was a lot of poop jokes, though! But he was extremely friendly and kind. I'm sure he'll be back next season!

Thank you to everyone who has joined me in the nablopomo quest! I've really enjoyed it and making and receiving comments was definitely helpful to keep me going! Rest up your fingers and get back to you crocheting! I'll be reading your blogs. :)


mini witchy said...

Congratulations! It's been fun reading your blog. Have a nice week off. :)

JayJay said...

Congrats on a successful month! (I can't say the same, but at least I tried, right ;)